Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Is Mexican Food Adapted Around The World

How Is Mexican Food Adapted Around The World Mexican Food Around The World ChaptersA Quick History Of The Mexican DietMelting Influences In The USIndian-Mexican Food In The UKMexican Influences In Japanese CuisineDespite the recent rift and clashes between Mexico and its northern neighbour, no one can deny the close diplomatic and cultural ties of the two nations. Mexican descendants have been living in the border states of Texas, California and New Mexico ever since those territories were annexed by the United States.It is thanks to the American stage that Mexican have successfully conquered the world.Full of flavours, spices and usually calling for the freshest ingredient possible, Mexican cuisine have been making a breakthrough on the British scene for a couple of years now. As Briton's eating habit tend to follow a more healthy trend, Mexican food has been adapted and burritos joints, as well as taquerias, have been popping out all over the country.Mexican found has been influenced by different cultures: the Spaniards brought their own when they conquer ed the Mexico valley region, African slaves brought by the Spanish in the Caribbean added their grain of salt, French and German immigrants also brought with them their culinary heritage including French haute cuisine methods and German brewing techniques.The successive waves of influence probably explain why Mexican food is so keen to blend its Meso-American roots with worldwide food staples. The incursion and adoption of Mexican elements into the American diet furthered that trend and today every pretext is good to mix Mexican food with non-native ingredients, techniques and dishes.It might be the beginning of a longer trend, however even if I doubt that Mexican restaurants will ever take over Brick Lane in London, expect to see many more Chipotle, Wahaca and the like in coming years.One more certainty is that the margarita, a classic  tequila and lime cocktail invented in Mexico, is not going off bar menus anytime soon.Now find out everything you need to know about Mexican cookin g...Discover cooking lessons london.

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